One who looks intently into the perfect law of freedom; is blessed in whatever he does.

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Slay the Evil in the World

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Understand Your Dreams


Pilar Ministries spiritual concepts are in accordance to Colossians 3, on resurrected living. When we live in the resurrected state, our minds and hearts, are based upon the knowledge and belief, that we are made in the image of Jesus Christ, Who is sitting next to the Father in heaven. It is focusing on the reality of present time, that coincides with our eternal existence, by realizing the kingdom on earth, state of living. The Lord's prayer coincides with Einstein's "spooky connection theory" on being in two places at once, and eternal permanent state, which is the kingdom, and a temporary state, our earthly existence. We are looking at this life through a holograph, in a pre-destined state, it has already happened, past, present, and the future, apply all at once. When we completely understand this concept, we become more coherent to a perception based on the Bible.


Colossians 3:1, "Since, then you have been raised with Christ, set your heart on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God." This passage teaches us how to identify with the resurrection, and our faith that raises us up with Christ, because it makes us see the things that are unseen. We will know a greater measure of faith, the more we identify with the resurrection. In our faith, the measurement becomes more full, and the more we believe, the fuller it gets. We see things done in our favor, more often.  Faith makes us think of things that are not of this temporary world/realm, but of the hidden treasures in heaven.


The book called, "Dream Key" that she began writing in 1994, transpired because she was experiencing dreams of the Tribulation. In the dreams, she experienced events that were very significant and real. Lisa Pilar began to write them down in journals, dating them as well, for she knew the importance of keeping detailed information. The journals, turned into a book on how to research and hear from God. These were dynamic experiences, with visual and hearing senses attached to the message, in a subconscious manner. This led her onto a path to pursue a greater understanding of what God teaches us about dream interpretation, based on Biblical insights.  Some people are capable of receiving revelation from the Holy Spirit, and this book shows how that is done. It is also for those that don't know the Lord in intimate communion, and can learn by researching the Bible, in a different and deeper way.


Dream Key is a book that teaches how to interpret dreams, by using references like the dictionary, the encyclopedia, and the Bible. It teaches how to discover patterns and codes, revealed in the message of the dream. It is in accordance to 2 Timothy 1:13, stating that it is a pattern of sound teaching, with faith and love in Christ Jesus.  Dream Key will help people understand spiritual concepts, as well as the practical aspects of what solutions are available.


This application of the interpretation process, is a systematic approach, producing information by discovering an ongoing theme. It highlights significant details, and shows a pattern of thought in the dream. It will reference Scripture, coinciding with the meaning, drawing people closer to the Lord, by receiving the knowledge of His will for our lives. Dream interpretation that is sanctioned by the Holy Spirit, shows how the Lord reveals divine discernment, direction, prophetic revelation, practical solutions, warnings, and God's will for obedience. This application will be factual, based on Scripture, historical references, and language perception.


The second book written is titled, the "Nephilim Slayers" pertaining to the end of days, and how to defeat the Nephilim agenda through regeneration, according to Ezekiel 37. It identifies with the concept and reality of the "Tree of Life" within, while going back in time to receive what Jesus Christ fulfilled, as the Second Adam.


The Nephilim is a hybrid, that is half human, and half fallen angel. They are recorded in Biblical history, when time began, to the end of days. Lisa Pilar has learned a lot about the terrors of the Nephilim, and the witchcraft collaborating with technology, that empowers them. Nephilim Slayers explain the global agenda, and their influence  on today's society. It describes in detail, the influential organizations that control governments, military, economics, entertainment, and social media.


These hybrids were created by "Watchers" their duties were to guard and protect humanity, but instead, they pro-created with human women, producing the Nephilim.  In the Great Tribulation, the Nephilim are exposed, and more active in society. This book reveals a detailed account of their spiritual power, and technological abilities to brain wash the populace.


Lisa Pilar describes what a Nephilim Slayer is, and how they relate to the men of valor in history, the brave godly warriors, that defeated the hybrid giants in war. It will encourage those who are used by God, to defeat the Luciferian agenda of the Nephilim today. The author describes the Leviathan, the Nephilim-made serpent, and how it is a prideful, chaotic, deceitful spirit, and an actual hybrid sea creature.


There are also signs in the heavens, according to Scripture, and she interprets the meaning of the symbolism, showing how it applies to the season of the Great Tribulation.  This will help the reader understand the events of the end-times, and prepare for the Coming of Jesus Christ. The last chapter of this book, will reveal a solution in freedom from the mind-control of the Nephilim, and deprogram thoughts into a resurrected mind-set.  It will awaken us to the power of the Holy Spirit, empowering us with supernatural abilities to defeat the enemies of God.


The third book being written, is based upon Scripture and Physics, that transform us into the likeness of Jesus Christ.  It is a Segway from Nephilim Slayers, based upon focus turning into "matter." It will direct us onto the path of the Tree of Life, beginning in Genesis1, and ending in Revelation 22.  It will cause miracles that transform the mind and heart, as well as, fascinating circumstances, causing drastic differences in one's life. The daily practice of Scripture memorization, and communion with the Holy Spirit, will activate the passages through to another dimension of time and space, where the impossible, becomes the possible.


The author of Dream Key and Nephilim Slayers, Lisa Pilar, has been married for 31 years, and raised 2 successful men of God. She has known the Lord since she was 5 years old, and at 14 years old, she received the infilling of the Holy Spirit, and the manifestation of the gift of tongues.


Daily, she encompasses 3 disciplines to stay on target, they are: Prayer, Reading God's Word, and Physical Exercise. These disciplines empower her to continue to write, research, and search out the truths in Scripture.  This practice motivates her to share with others, what He reveals through these practices daily. The knowledge received by the Dream Key book, also provides a way to study and interpret end-times events from a Biblical, historical, and physic perception.


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Understand Your Dreams